i wasn't sure about this combination! normally, i'd rather eat a slice of pie a la mode than have it blended together like a challenge on SURVIVOR! your taste buds will be shocked and delighted, I KNOW IT! this is an unbelievable treat you'll never have expected!
- 1 pint COCONUT BLISS or SO DELICIOUS vanilla non-dairy dessert (in the freezer section with the healthier "ice cream" options)
- 1 large apple, cored and cut in chunks
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla powder (easy to find at the health food store, but you can add a tsp. of vanila, or scrape the seeds out of a vanilla bean if you're adventurous and have tons of time!)
- pinch of nutmeg (i add 2 pinches!)
- 1 cup of your favorite milk OR if you want to get UBER-healthy about it, 1 cup of REJUVELAC for colon health, easily made at home or purchased, recipe follows...
recipe for REJUVELAC: can be used for drink recipes, smoothies and 'milk'shakes, or as a 'starter' for nut and seed cheeses, and aids digestion!
- 1 cup wheat berries, rye berries or quinoa (or a combination of any)
- 1 quart water for soaking
- 8-10 cups water
soak the grains for 1 day in 1 quart of water
drain water, pour berries into fine mesh strainer (over a bowl)
rinse berries in cool water up to 7 times a day for up to 3 days until they sprout
put sprouted berries in gallon container, add 8-10 cups water
cover with cheesecloth or gauze, but no lid
let sit 1-3 days, slight foam will develop on top
strain through cheesecloth
lasts 2-3 weeks in glass jars in fridge
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