A few weeks ago I made my own laundry detergent and dish washing detergent. I wanted to give them a test drive before I passed them along. Oh my! These have been awesome. My dishes are sparkling and my clothes are clean without harsh chemicals (did I mention it was frugal?)! The recipes are simple and super easy. Today I will share the laundry detergent recipe. Now, there are many different recipes to be found out in cyberspace. In many of them you grate the bar of soap and if you want liquid detergent you get out a sauce pan and heat the mixture up. What if I told you all you needed was a container, a tablespoon and few cheap ingredients and then all you do is add water. I know you want to hug me right now! Here it is:
Makes 1 gallon
3 Tbsp Borax (found in laundry aisle)
3 Tbsp Washing Soda (found in laundry aisle)
2 Tbsp Liquid dish soap (I love Mrs. Meyers brand for the smell, But I have used others too)
4 cups hot water
(Mix these ingredients together carefully until they are dissolved)
Fill the rest of the gallon with water
This detergent is watery as opposed to your name brand labels. You want to use 1 cup for large loads. I bought a BPA free 2.5 gallon water jug and made a big batch all at once. I also used a homemade liquid fabric softener which I will share another time. I want to give credit where the credit is due. I found this recipe on www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com she has some awesome recipes for other cleaners and so far I have been really impressed. She uses Dawn Dish soap but I just went with a more green version of soap. Same thing. She has some pictures on her site, if you are a visual person and that helps. She used recycled orange juice containers. Ingenious! But for now, I am in laundry heaven (if there is such place). Just leave me be with my clean towels! Now, if I could only find my missing socks!
oh my gosh ! you are amazing me !
ReplyDeleteand i just learned a whole lot about
the many and varied benefits of borax
by researching the ingredients of your recipe !
another way to stay healthy and save money !
thank you !
This is awesome. I am going to try it. I love that Mrs. Meyers works. Doing my own household cleaning product research, I found out that she is reaLly a green product unlike many out there and also does not test on animals. Thank you thank you.