We are Amy and Gail Shingler, sisters-in-law and friends!

We are passionate about living authentic and intentional lives!

We are enthusiastic about healthy eating!

We created a space to share our favorite recipes & the life philosophies from which they stem!

Our desire is to inspire,

may you be edified by what you read here!

Friday, January 4, 2013

resolution inspiration : a heart for health

The ultimate source of a happy life 
is warm-heartedness. 
This means extending to others 
the kind of concern we have for ourselves. 
On a simple level we find that if we have a compassionate heart 
we naturally have more friends. 
And scientists today are discovering 
that while anger and hatred eat into our immune system
warm-heartedness and compassion 
are good for our health.

lhamo dondrub, the 14th dalai lama

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