We are Amy and Gail Shingler, sisters-in-law and friends!

We are passionate about living authentic and intentional lives!

We are enthusiastic about healthy eating!

We created a space to share our favorite recipes & the life philosophies from which they stem!

Our desire is to inspire,

may you be edified by what you read here!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Matt 's Story!

this is not our friend matt...
this is a photo from LIFEROLLSON.ORG

Our friend Matt is easily the most comfortably transparent human being I have ever met.  He is able to track and connect with people on deeply spiritual levels and understands better than many the struggles of being "human" as in when life doesn't go your way or how you expected it to go---at all!  And I have seen him grow in his delight of LIFE in the midst of great struggle, confusion, and pain.  I have listened to him talk about the great surprise and intimacy LIFE offers when you surrender to what LIFE is at any given moment, be it some level of poverty you didn't know before, loss of job, health concerns...He is an example to me of intentional TRUST...he works hard at his life and his love and his connection to SPIRIT and TRUTH and i see the fruits of that work!  He has been kind enough to give us the bare bones of his plant-based life story!  I have SO many more questions for him!  :)


I had been stress eating for years and packed on 50+ additional pounds. The "ah-ha" moment came at a Life Rolls On event where I found myself too out of breath to help the disabled surfers we were working with. The pictures afterwards sealed the deal. I knew I had to do something but I didn't want to go hungry and I wasn't interested in fad diets. 

I decided to drink only water (I even went off coffee!). I decided to eat only fruits and vegetables until 6pm each day at which point I would have a half serving of whatever the family was eating for dinner. The pounds melted off and I was never hungry (I lost about a pound every two days!)

True, the weight loss did get harder the closer I got to my goal weight but I am now where I want to be (back to my high school weight and waist band!). I started running and am having more fun than I have had in years! Now when I look in the mirror I say "WOW!" instead of woooooow . . . . 

Without knowing it, I basically came up with my own version of Dr. Joel Fuhman's "Eat to Live" program. I still love a good steak now and then but a primarily plant-based diet works for me and it is one I am signed onto for life.

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