We are Amy and Gail Shingler, sisters-in-law and friends!

We are passionate about living authentic and intentional lives!

We are enthusiastic about healthy eating!

We created a space to share our favorite recipes & the life philosophies from which they stem!

Our desire is to inspire,

may you be edified by what you read here!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I love me some HUMMUS!

I laughed so loud when my daughter showed me this comic.   For those who can't read the small print, the 3 big dinosaurs say, "Oh great who invited the herbivore?" Then, the other dinosaur says, "I brought the hummus."  I have a fetish for hummus lately.  My favorite lunch is mini peppers stuffed with hummus.  It gives a crunch and a sweet burst with a salty zing from the hummus.  It is filling and yummy.  For those days when I am needing energy to keep up with the preschoolers at work this lunch comes through every time.  Try it you may just fall in love with it.  


  1. those mini peppers are great !
    and what an ingenious idea to fill them with hummus !
    easy to make
    easy to grab out of the fridge
    easy to take along with you anywhere
    and super easy to pop in your mouth !
    thanks for this perfect idea amy !

    when you have time
    will you do a post about what your general workout is ?
    i would like to know how much time you put in
    what you do
    and how you switch up the routine
